4 Ways Your Business Will Benefit From Managed Communications

Managed Communications


Within the last couple of years, you have likely heard more about managed communications infiltrating many office environments.  That’s because, during the covid 19 pandemic, they became a staple for many organizations to continue running their business. Managed communications platforms allowed businesses to overcome remote work seamlessly through tools that enable virtual communication and collaboration. 


Usherwood Office Technology has always found it very important to stay ahead by offering our clients the latest technology. For this reason, many of our clients had already been well equipped with Microsoft Teams, a managed communications platform, before the pandemic even hit. 


Using Microsoft Teams, our clients continued working like normal from remote work environments. Microsoft Teams can be used for meetings, projects, collaborating, sharing files, and more. Let's look at what managed communications are and why they are so critical in the future of communication for businesses around the world. 

What are Managed Communications?

Managed Communications makes interacting with people as effortless as having a conversation in person. Communicating virtually has become a standard practice in most, if not all, industries. 


For many employees, the desk is just one of many locations where work gets done, and managed communications is built around the end-user rather than the desk phone. With the 2020 COVID pandemic having occurred and continued for the past 2 years, people are beginning to consider remote work as the new normal. 


If this is the case, managed communication may be the solution to your business needs. Managed Communication can be integrated with ease and promotes simple collaboration. 


Here are some of the ways managed communications can provide your company value: 

1. Increased Productivity & Collaboration: 

Managed communications can help you communicate and collaborate more effectively. You and your teammates can work from the same document, simultaneously sharing ideas and making suggestions. This means you can efficiently work with team members just as easily as in person but from your own remote workspaces.


A managed communication solution makes it easy to communicate with others, no matter where you or those you are communicating with reside. Whether it be in two different offices in your building, on different floors, in different cities, or in different countries, you can communicate virtually with anyone.


Team members can work on projects and collaborate by using cloud-based sharing and live video conferencing in any remote location. Having this seamless way to communicate means less wasted time and an efficient way to work that will benefit individual team members and the business as a whole.

2. Ease of Use: 

Voice, video, screen sharing, and messaging are combined into a single, seamless user experience. Everything you need can all be found in one place, eliminating the complexity of using multiple platforms to accomplish work successfully. 


You no longer have to search for files in different places. With managed communications, you can store all your data and files in one place. Everything gets automatically saved, so there is less risk of losing important information.


Along with files, important conversations, phone calls, and messages are stored with the managed communications solution. There is little risk of missing a conversation. You can answer calls or messages in real-time or when your schedule allows. Conversation history can be kept to reference at a later date.


3. Lower Costs: 

Preserve your capital, reduce system expenses, and cut all operating costs. Your team can work from different places just as effectively with managed communications. You won't have to expense work trips to get a project done; it can all be done virtually. Desk phones are also no longer necessary with managed communications.


You can communicate with anyone you need through your smartphone. The only thing you will require is a reliable internet connection. You can effectively communicate and work from one single platform that consolidates a vast array of tools. 


4. Reliability and support: 

Enterprise-grade data centers increase reliability and minimize latency. All of your documents and files will be saved in the cloud. This ensures that files are always available when you need them. Work can continue if something unexpected forces your business back into a remote work environment.


Make it easier for your clients to get in touch with you. With managed communications, all your conversations and calls with your clients will be stored. This way, you will never forget an interaction that ensures that important client information is not forgotten or overlooked. 


You can also make sure that calls get routed directly to a specific resource without delay. This will reduce the time it takes to speak with the right person. Using managed communications to keep track of essential call data and to easily access resources saves everyone time and ensures you will have a satisfied consumer in the end.

Interested in finding a managed communications platform for your business? 

Use managed communications to save your business and your clients from an unsatisfactory experience. Get ready to take on the future and whatever it throws at you with a scalable solution that will enhance workflow, promote seamless collaboration between team members, and ultimately make for a happy client. 


If you are looking to find a managed communications platform for your business, a significant next step is to reach out to a managed service provider. At Usherwood Office Technology, we work with many clients to review their current environment and implement the ideal solution for your needs. 


Our managed communications platform, Microsoft Teams, has allowed many of our clients to work in a remote, in-office, or hybrid environment with ease. If you are interested in learning more about Microsoft Teams and how it can benefit your environment, check out this article: 4 Ways Microsoft Teams will Benefit Your Business