What to Expect from a MSP Quarterly Business Review

managed IT Services

As a business owner, your IT environment is likely one of your most critical assets. As such, ensuring that it’s running smoothly and efficiently is crucial. That's why many businesses turn to managed service providers (MSPs) for IT support. 

The 2023 State of IT Report shared that managed services spending in 2023 will account for 18% of IT budgets, which is up from 15% in 2020. One of the most important services offered by MSPs are Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs). Here's what to expect from a QBR, so you can ensure your IT infrastructure is strategically planned for the future.

What's Included in a QBR?

The managed services QBR process essentially includes a strategy meeting every three months between the MSP and your business. At this quarterly meeting, topics such as your company’s IT goals and reviewing your success plan are discussed. However, below are other expectations of what you and your MSP may discuss during your QBR meetings: 

1. Performance Metrics 

The QBR report is your opportunity to gain insight into the performance metrics that matter to your business. MSPs use this meeting to provide you with a detailed report on uptime, response times, and resolutions times. This data is critical when assessing the effectiveness of your IT systems and helps to identify areas that require improvement. 

2. Review of IT Strategic Planning and Business Goals 

MSPs will review the IT strategies implemented during the previous quarter and discuss how they align with your business. They can provide advice and an action plan to leverage technology for future growth. This can look like automating processes, improving collaboration, or increasing efficiency. 

For example, they may suggest a more robust strategy for endpoint management to make your operations more secure and efficient.

3. Security Assessment 

Your MSP will also provide you with their security assessment report during the QBR. This technical review will highlight any system vulnerabilities and pinpoint areas that need additional security measures.

Security and compliance are critical factors in today's data-driven business environment, and it's essential to ensure that your IT environment meets the necessary standards. 

4. Updates on Projects 

MSPs will use the QBR to update you on any ongoing projects or projects completed during the previous quarter. They will provide you with project timelines, status reports, and any issues that may arise. It's a good opportunity to discuss any changes to the project briefly or to provide feedback. 

5. Service Improvements 

The QBR is an opportunity to discuss any service improvements that were implemented during the quarter. Many MSPs will use this meeting to identify any areas where you can leverage additional services.

This is a good opportunity to discuss any additional services that may benefit your organization. 

Develop a Winning IT Strategy For Your Business 

Quarterly business reviews are a critical component of any managed service provider's services. They provide businesses with a comprehensive report on the state of their IT systems and highlight areas for improvement.

By leveraging the expertise of your MSP during the QBR, you can develop a winning IT strategy that will drive business growth. For more information or to identify if Usherwood can assist with Quarterly Business Reviews for your business, reach out and discover your solution today. 

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About Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer

Darrian Breedlove is Usherwood's Content Writer. She manages Usherwood's message by integrating educational content into our company culture.