A3 vs A4 Printers: Here’s What You Should Know

Managed Print | Print Efficiency

When you're looking to buy or lease a new printer, you might feel stuck between an A3 and A4 device.

Both of these machines are excellent options for businesses, but you may be surprised to learn their similarities despite large price differences. To aid in your decision, here are some of the details to know in terms of cost, functionality, and features of these two models.

What’s The Difference Between A3 and A4 Printers?

The primary differences you should worry about between these printers are print sizes and price.

Print Sizes for A3 vs A4

One big difference between A3 and A4 is that A3 printers can print on 11"x17” or “ledger-sized” paper while A4's cannot. However, very few businesses require this capability, as it is one of the least-used sizes in business printing.

Prices of A3 vs A4

You will likely find vastly different pricing with A3 and A4 printers. Since they come with more print size capabilities and a few upgraded features, A3 printers are considerably more expensive than A4s. Sometimes, you could see as much as a 40-50% difference in pricing.

Who Are A3 Printers Best For?

A3 printers are best for high-volume print environments or situations where they need to print folded brochures that lend well to 11x17 paper. A folded brochure from 11”x17” paper stock can be staple bound and finishes to a 8.5” x 11” multi-page brochure which is standard paper size. If you're not sure what your print volume typically looks like, getting a print assessment is a good first step to take.

High-volume would generally fall in the range of 15k+ prints per month. When you get a print assessment, a print provider will likely install software that tracks your print volumes to determine factors such as:

  • Prints per month
  • Paper use
  • Toner use
  • Analytics to show which departments are printing the most

Once you know these insights, you can determine the best device and strategy to minimize print costs while getting the most out of your chosen printer.

Often, A3 users stick with this model when re-leasing or buying, since it has worked well for them in the past.

However, if you don't specifically need 11”x17" prints and you don't have a high print volume in excess of around 15k prints per month, you may want to consider an A4 device.

Who Should Get an A4 Printer?

If you don't print on 11”x17" sized paper often, you might be shocked to learn the cost savings you could achieve with an A4 printer. The cost jump is significant from A4 to A3, and it might be worth your while to ask your print provider for prices on both options.

A4 printers have many of the same capabilities of A3, without the 11x17" print size. Just like A3 devices, A4 printers:

  • Can integrate with print management tools like uniFLOW
  • Offer multiple functions including printing/scanning/copying
  • Can print double-sided and single-sided jobs

Along with these similarities to A3 printers, A4 printers are much more economical for businesses.

Does My Business Need an A3 or A4 Printer?

The best way to determine the best device for your business is to consult with your managed print service. They will run analytics on your devices and evaluate your current fleet to make recommendations based on factors including:

  • Print volume needs
  • What types of jobs you typically print & how often
  • Your print budget and long-term plans
  • Current print costs & your goals for your fleet

In general, A4 is an affordable option for businesses looking to save a bit of money while getting most of the same features as A3 devices. However, if you have high print volumes or need 11x17" print size capabilities, A3s are probably best.

How to Optimize Your Print Environment

If you're looking for the best solutions to save money, maximize print quality, and reduce printing issues, it's wise to seek out a print provider. They will be able to perform a print assessment to evaluate your paper and toner use as well as other analytics to inform your print strategy.

To get some expert help in evaluating your print environment, click the button below to speak with a managed print specialist about your business.

Get a Print Assessment


About Jada Sterling, Digital Content Manager

Jada Sterling is Usherwood's Content Manager. She is responsible for developing content that furthers the mission of Usherwood Office Technology by helping clients and prospective clients better understand how technology can help grow their business.