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Steps to Practice Online Safety and Cybersecurity

Written by Darrian Breedlove, Content Writer | Jul 3, 2023 3:09:13 PM

As the world continues to shift towards a more digital platform, online safety and cybersecurity become more important. Cybersecurity involves various technologies, practices, and laws intended to secure computer networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access, theft, or damage.

Oftentimes, many cybersecurity threats can be avoided. According to Cybint, 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error, meaning they were likely preventable. With the increasing number of online threats, it’s essential to have a reliable security program that can protect you and your clients' data. In this article, we will discuss five steps to practice online safety and enhance cybersecurity to keep your confidential data secure.


Follow These Safety and Security Tips

There are numerous methods to maintain online safety. With a plethora of threats out there to today's cybersecurity, you want to ensure your business doesn't take any chances. If you fail to take the proper precautions, you may not notice a threat until it's too late. Here are a few of our tips to help enhance your company's online safety:


Keep Your Devices and Software Up to Date

Update all your devices’ firmware and software regularly, including mobile and desktop devices, operating systems, and applications. The updates often patch vulnerability loopholes that cybercriminals can exploit to gain access to your device. Keep automatic updates turned on for critical systems and applications.


Watch Out for Suspicious Emails and Links

Phishing attacks are prevalent, and it is essential to be wary of suspicious emails or messages asking for login credentials or any personal information. Exercise caution when you receive unexpected emails, particularly from unknown sources. Do not click on attachments or links from sources that look suspicious, and don't provide credentials or designations to anyone who may solicit them. For more information on phishing and how best to avoid it, visit our “Did You Know Phishing Simulations Help Prevent Cyber-Threats?” article.


Use Strong Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication

Use strong passwords with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not use common passwords such as '123456' or 'password.' Use different passwords for all accounts, and store them securely using a password manager. For examples of how to create secure passwords, “Your passwords are sometimes the only protection of your privacy against a malicious hacker.” can provide additional insight. Additionally, enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible. It’s one of the best security measures for your network. “MFA Scams are on the Rise as Cyber Threats” highlights the ins-and-outs of MFAs and how they can best work for your business.


Backup Your Files Regularly

Cyber attacks such as ransomware or malware infections could destroy your data or prevent you from accessing it. Back up your data regularly using a cloud-based or external storage media. Ensure you use encryption on sensitive data, and always use secure cloud vendors. Our article “How the Cloud Could Benefit Your Business” discusses how the cloud assists businesses with their efficiency and growth. Having all your crucial data and information backed-up will ensure your business can carry on if any future incident occurs.


Use Encryption

Encryption helps secure your data by converting it into a code or cipher. Suppose attackers manage to break into your device or network. In that case, they cannot decrypt the data without the encryption key, making your data useless to them. You can use encryption to secure email messages, data at rest (stored on servers or devices), and data in motion (when transferring data from one system to another).


Ensuring Your Business’ Safety

Online safety and cybersecurity are becoming more critical in today's world. Each day, the news reports new stories about hacking, phishing, and cybercriminals stealing or exposing sensitive data. However, you can protect yourself from these threats by following the five steps outlined in this article.

Following these steps can go a long way in enhancing personal and business security. If you need additional support or knowledge, Usherwood is also here to provide expertise and services for those who need an extra pair of hands or eyes to manage the security of their business.